Monday, April 7, 2008

First blog post...ever. Well, ever since Xanga. Does that even count as a blog?

So I'm gonna try this whole blogging thing. We'll see how it goes; see if I actually stick with it. 

Originally, the goal of this blog was to tell the stories of the homeless people I encounter in Nashville, in Colorado, or wherever. I hope to still do this, and get rid of some of the misconceptions people have about homeless people (ex: they are all alcoholics and drug addicts). I want to photograph them, put a story with a face, so everyone can get to know these people. I would love for some of these people to get a new start in life. Many of the homeless people I have met still have hopes of a better life, and still have faith in God despite their desperate situations, often teaching me a lesson in faith. It is so funny, because here I am, handing them money, saying "God Bless, have a great day", thinking to myself "Wow, Susan, what a good deed you are doing" when they look right back at me and say "I am blessed by God every day. YOU have a good day." The Glory of God and his faithfulness never ceases to amaze me. 

BUT, I will also use this blog for my own thoughts of everyday life as well, probably more to sort them out for myself than benefit anyone who will actually read this. If you should read it, though, and gain some insight for yourself on something that probably took me waaayyy to long to work through, I'm glad. 

So, this was my first post. Hopefully it only gets better from here!

Be Blessed, I know I am everyday.

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